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Braemar Charitable Trust celebrates Matariki with partnership to provide free dental care

Matariki is a time for growth and change. It’s a time to pause and reflect on the year behind us and the year ahead. It’s a time for people to take a look at their lifestyles and health, and make some changes for the better. To celebrate Matariki, BCT in partnership with with YWAM Ships, Raukura Hauora o Tainui, Dentists and Oral Health professionals within and outside our region will provide free dental care to around 150 adults facing barriers to accessing dental and oral care in North Waikato. The 3 mobile clinics located adjacent to Turangawaewae Marae, means the service is accessible to the community in a way, at a location and at a time when many families/whanau are together celebrating Matariki.  Dental assessment, fillings, extractions and dental/oral health education will be provided over the three days with patients requiring more complex care, being referred to the Braemar Charitable Surgery Programme. We are really excited about this community-led and impactful initiative, that brings together volunteers and organizations with a common vision of improving oral and dental health outcomes in our community. 

To learn more about the story of Matariki in Aotearoa, see the following YouTube clip: 

The Story of Matariki in Aotearoa | Māori New Year - YouTube


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