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Keen to work with us?

Working with the Braemar Charitable Trust is an opportunity that enables like-minded organizations in the Waikato who share our vision to come together and collaborate in the pursuit of improved community health outcomes.

Please get in touch via email, Facebook, or LinkedIn, or through completing a funding application form which can be found on our website . We look forward to hearing how your mission aligns with the Braemar vision of improving health outcomes in our community.
Working collaboratively with other Waikato-based not-for-profit and community-based organizations is a key focus for us. It enables us to achieve a greater collective impact in improving health outcomes and access across the Waikato region.

If you would like to donate to any of our programs and help us to do more to improve health outcomes, please get in touch:

Email -

Website for a copy of the application form –

Facebook –


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