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Waikato Community Funders website is now live!

After the successful collaborative efforts of the Waikato Community Funders Group during the COVID lockdown earlier this year, an enduring partnership has formed culminating in the launch of the Waikato Community Finders website. 

The website includes thumbnails for each Trust and a news section to highlight the collaborative work the group has done and continues to do, in the Waikato community.

The Braemar Charitable Trust is proud to be part of this group and working alongside our philanthropic funder colleagues, "Enabling Stronger Waikato Communities Together". 

The Waikato Community Funders Group funds projects and organisations that are creating positive outcomes for people and places across Waikato. 

Please click on the following link which will take you to the site. From there, you will find links through to the websites of all the individual funders who comprise the Waikato Community Funders group.


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