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Braemar Hui with Cure Kids

Last week we privileged to host CEO Frances Benge, Head of Philanthropy, Debby Bell and Head of Research, Helen Teale from Cure Kids here at Braemar Hospital. Braemar Charitable Trust Manager Paula Baker said "Cure Kids and the Braemar Charitable Trust are strongly aligned in both our approach and the outcomes we are seeking, to improve health outcomes particularly for youth/rangatahi and children/tamariki in our region. We thought there were real opportunities for collaboration, so got all the people in the room to brainstorm possibilities". It was great to have Paediatric Dentist and Braemar Trustee Katie Ayers, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon Ruth Tan, Ophthalmologist Stephen Ng, Braemar Advisor Peta Goldsworth and Braemar Hospital CEO, Fiona Michel join this hui and together explore how we could maximise impact from our collective resources and experience. Thanks Cure Kids for joining us, we look forward to working with you in the future.


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